This is the BBF's first posting. The Barcelona Branch of the Family is going to keep this blog for all of you who want to see what's going on in our lives. We miss everyone across that big mud puddle called the Atlantic and this is our small way of trying to stay in touch. Please add comments and send us emails with your news too!
First we're going to show you a few of the things of our daily lives. Let's start with Joel.
Here's a picture of Joel with some of his friends from school. And another one on a school visit to the planetarium (looking a bit mischievous, I must say). While we're at it, this link will take you to his school's website. By the way, Joel is growing up! He goes to school on the bus with his friend Tommy now. Want to see his route? Click here and then click "veure recorregut 3D" on the right. You will have to wait a few minutes while it's loading.
And what about the rest of us? Melinda and Lucas both spend a lot of their time at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Melinda teaches at the Faculty of Education and Lucas is in his first year of studies in Pyschology). Uff! Tempus fugit (or was that, as Pooh always says, Tempus doth fidget ...)!
Here's Lucas with his dad, before starting his classes of course!
Pablo hopes to start studying script-writing soon - he's still waiting for the results of his last exam - more updates on that soon!
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